Made with OpenBots
Real Stories. Real Businesses. Real Results.
In this page, you will find real testimonials about how different companies are using OpenBots to automate repetitive tasks and connect disparate systems.
Businesses across the globe are using OpenBots to bring digital transformation to their organizations.
In this episode 2, Jeff Nickles, Vice-President of Innovation and Data at Insurica, shares how intelligent automation benefits their customers and gives valuable insights.
Episode 3: KMH Labs, a healthcare delivery company from Ontario Canada with multiple locations.
In this episode of Made with OpenBots, Roger Han describes how KMH Labs, a healthcare company from Ontario Canada, implemented Intelligent Document Processing and RPA.
Episode 1: Tangent Solutions created a Bot for education institutions.
In this episode of Made with OpenBots, Tangent Solutions creates an education app built on the zero-bot license platform.
Watch as Savannah Bell, Director of Partnerships explains how the automation solution works.
Watch the non-technical demo for this solution here >
Fresh del Monte Reduced a 3 Day Process to One Minute.
Fresh Del Monte, a global food company, spent months carefully evaluating OpenBots vs the Big 3 and PowerAutomate and ultimately selected OpenBots as the sole platform on which to rapidly scale their intelligent automation program.
Salesforce EMR Integration Bot
In this demo, we will watch how a patient is created using a Fax referral utilizing OpenBots healthcare automation with Salesforce Health Cloud.
Oil & Gas Automation Solution
The Intellise team used OpenBots to enter a full Oil & Gas Lease into PakEnergy LandPro. Owners, Tracts, Acreage, Royalties, Clauses, Dates, Recording and more.
Learn more about common automations in the Oil & Gas industry.>
Appraisal Bot for Encompass
Our pre-built Appraisal Bots for Encompass provide automation solutions of Appraisal Desk tasks, such as appraisal ordering, appraisal review, fee exceptions, turn-time exceptions, and more.
Digital Bots take over these manual tasks with 100% Data Accuracy. These bots are launched as soon as Intent to Proceed is received and can be customized for specific AMCs (Appraisal Management Companies).
Find out how our Appraisal Bots for Encompass can get you to underwriting faster and speed up your loan process.
Read What People Think About OpenBots
Our Robotic Process Automation (RPA) journey has begun. After much analysis, we chose OpenBots as our RPA service provider.
We launched bots that automate the preparation of an approved patent application for filing, the checking of the patent application and its corresponding filing documents for accuracy, and the uploading of the patent application to Patent Center.
Over the next year, we hope to automate all of our repeatable tasks. This is a vital step to getting to 4 day workweeks.
John Harrity
Harrity & Harrity, LLP.
With OpenBots, we can automatically move critical patient data between Health Cloud and our EMR which allows us to expedite service and scale our business.
Embracing this technology let us eliminate work that is no longer necessary creating more time spent with patients, less training for new employees, and decreases the FTE’s required to perform the same amount of work.
Michael Rappaport
MarketPlace Physical Therapy
Which Business Processes Can Be Automated?
Download the PDF to get some ideas of how other companies are implementing automation.